Lorraine   &     Friends

About Us


Hi, I'm Raine. I first founded Lorraine and Friends while on my journey to self-discovery, and I won't lie, the journey is long (we used to sell silk lingerie, but it turned out not to be our thing!)


Starting a business from scratch is hard, perhaps one of the most difficult and least straightforward things I have ever done. That's just how it goes I guess. What can ya do? But in any case, let me tell you about the newest thing we've got going on over here at Lorraine and Friends.


A magazine.


Yep, that's what we've got going on here. But here's the thing—This isn't just like any other magazine you pick up or read online. Oh no. This is a true outside-of-the-box magazine, with articles, lifestyle tips, and fashion ideas that AREN'T what everyone else is doing.


You see, I was tired of looking at mainstream magazines that had the same people on the cover, over and over and over again, with played out concepts and lack of imagination. And you know what? I was also tired of looking around and seeing the same outfits, just in different colors, even in the high fashion magazines. Everyone was starting to look and act the same. They used the same bath products, the same perfumes, even down to the same hairbrushes and exercise routines.


So, I decided that it was time to create a magazine for those who don't want to follow the trends and look like everyone else. I decided it was time to create a magazine for those girls who innately stand out and are known by the crowd once they walk into a room. They have packed social schedules and thriving careers, and are always doing something unexpected. This is for them to read when they get home at night and take off their heels, looking for some light reading that allows them to explore more and make their own lives that much richer.


Here's to you girls. Never stop being fabulous.