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Mica Symone, September 30 2024

Honey, He's Just Not That Good For You!

By Mica Symone 

Photography by Khoa Võ

Ever had that gut feeling about someone that you just couldn’t shake, but you kept convincing yourself it was just a case of the jitters? Well, sometimes our bodies scream at us to run away from our relationship. Yes, seriously.

While your heart might be fluttering and your brain is convinced you’ve found "the one", your body might be sending you red flags faster than you can swipe left.

As women of color, we deserve healthy and loving relationships. Our heritage and experiences have taught us resilience and strength, but they’ve also shown us the importance of listening to our intuition.

So, to help you understand what’s what, here are five telltale signs that your body is low-key trying to tell you it’s time to rethink things…

1. Constant Fatigue

Have you ever noticed that you’re chronically tired whenever you’re around your partner? This isn’t just your average fatigue; it’s a deep exhaustion, where you feel like you could nap standing up. Your body could be signaling that this relationship is more draining than it’s worth.

If there are times when you find yourself fantasizing about your bed (and not in a sexy way), it’s time to reevaluate. Relationships are supposed to energize and uplift us, not leave us feeling like we’ve just completed a 5K run!

2. Headaches and Migraines

Your body is incredibly intuitive, and persistent headaches might be its way of signaling that you need to call it quits. If headaches and migraines are popping up regularly and seem to coincide with time spent with your partner, it’s worth taking a closer look. So, don’t just brush off these headaches as random inconveniences. Consider them as your body's way of telling you that something needs to change – ASAP!

3. Digestive Issues

Okay, so we all know that butterflies in the stomach are a thing when you’re in love. But if those butterflies feel more like a swarm of angry bees and your digestive system is in constant turmoil, it might be your body’s way of saying, "This isn’t love, honey; this is indigestion." Chronic stress and anxiety, often stemming from an unhealthy relationship, can wreak havoc on your gut.

4. Thrush Outbreak

Our bodies can sometimes detect incompatibilities long before our hearts and minds catch up. One of the surprising ways this can manifest is through disruptions in our body’s pH balance.

So, ladies, let's talk about thrush. If you find yourself dealing with recurring outbreaks, it might be more than just an annoying health issue. The fact is, the wrong partner can throw off your pH balance, and when combined with stress, it can create a perfect storm for infections.

I once dated this guy who seemed perfect on paper but something just felt...off. It was like my body knew what my brain refused to admit. The result? Thrush outbreaks on repeat! I felt like I was stuck in a yeast-themed Groundhog Day.

After a while, I finally paused to listen to what my body was trying to tell me: “Girl, this ain't it!” Once I mustered up the courage to break it off, it was like magic. Not only did I feel emotionally lighter, but my body stopped the thrush tantrums. Balance restored – both in my life and my pH levels!

So, what’s the takeaway here? Listen to your body! It's smarter than you think. If you’re constantly feeling off, it might be time to have a heart-to-heart with yourself about whether this relationship is truly serving you. After all, you deserve to be in a relationship that feels like a peaceful sanctuary, not a constant battle.

Written by

Mica Symone

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