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Raine Clark, July 12 2023

5 Things Your Lingerie Says About You

Hey friends,

It's Raine, and I've decided to start up a little blog to share my late night thoughts about lingerie. I never thought that I would grow up to spend my time thinking about bras and panties so constantly, but here we are. Anyways, on with the latest thought I've had. 

So, you know how there are a lot of quizzes and advice articles and tiktoks out there that talk about how what you wear says  a lot about you to all of the people who can see your outfit? But what about the clothing that no one but you can see? What about your lingerie? 

I suppose that tells a lot more about how you view yourself instead of how you want other people to view you. You see, this got me thinking about my own underwear evolution and how right at the minute that my life was changing on its own, or I decided to change my life through sheer force of will (I'm a Taurus so sheer force of will comes naturally), my underwear changed a little too. So here's a list of some things that I came up with that might help you look at the lingerie in your closet a little differently.

1.  What Style You Have Right Now

Ever wake up and decide to change your life, and want to start by changing up your wardrobe first? Yeah, that's happened to me. I went from wearing seriously striped shirts every day to wearing fluffy things in pastel colors. That change happened at what I decided was going to be an amazing time of my life, and apparently the new wardrobe fit my face and my aura much better. When I first made the decision though, I didn't want everybody making remarks about how drastic the change was, so I started with buying a pretty, lacy bra in baby pink with a bow in the center. It was so cute, I couldn't contain myself. I became ridiculous. I would look at myself in the mirror and tell myself how cute I was. 

The only problem was that it was a cheap $10 bra that started to fall apart after 5 uses. I got it from that fashion site that shall not be named. You know the one I'm talking about. That was a dark moment for me, but I digress. Back to the point. So, I went from plain black utilitarian bras that even my mom said were a bit matronly, to pastel colored bras that were cute, and this has remained my style for the past 2 years now. And I still have the audacity to look at myself in the mirror and tell myself how cute I look. It's great, you should try it.

2. What Style You Used to Have

Not only does your lingerie talk about your style evolution, it also talks about the times too. Do you still have that cheetah print neon bra that you bought with the 20 bucks your mom gave you while hanging out with your friends at the mall, circa 2012? Yeah... I do too, and that, I can't explain so I won't even try to. I'm gonna toss it, I promise.  

3. Your Organizational Level

Now look, there are two types of people in the world: One owns a specialized panty organizer and has strong opinions on the rolling vs. folding debate, and the other must obviously enjoy digging for their underwear like a common squirrel. Say what you want about my neon cheetah print bra from 2012, but at least it has a special place in my lingerie drawer. I can even tell you right now exactly where it is. The back far right corner, neatly folded. 

4. How Well You Are Taking Care of Yourself

Are you wearing clean lingerie each day? If not, check in with yourself, and ask why. And be honest with yourself. Even if it isn't the prettiest or the most expensive lingerie, it should always be clean when you put it on. Nuff said. 

5. What You Think About Yourself

Do you buy loads of panties and bras and then just toss them in the corner of your room, even if they're freshly washed? Now I know you did not contemplate quitting your job but then decide otherwise because you needed money to buy new clothes, just to simply toss them in the corner like rags. You worked hard to buy those clothes in order to soothe your capitalism-induced pain. I'll shed a single tear in honor of all of those annoying emails you had to answer in a professional tone last week, as long as you value your hard work a little bit more by valuing the material things your hard work got you. 

So, check in on my random thoughts later, because I'm sure I'll have more. And just take a look at your lingerie drawer and think about it a little... and maybe do some organizing while you're at it. Oh, and PLEASE, I'm literally begging you, toss out that bra from 2012. PLEASE. You can reward yourself by getting that bra and panty set you were thinking about before you started reading this. Treat yo'self. Ok bye. 

Lots of love,


Written by

Raine Clark


Newer Self-Confidence & Lingerie: The Real Quiet Luxury